Dawn’s Story

Dawn is aged 16, still at school.  She has a history of self-harm and has attempted suicide.
She has a possible eating disorder, and suffers with low mood.  She was referred to TIER 3 CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) following her assessment with the Junction, because of the concerns regarding Dawn’s mental and physical health.

Dawn was really reluctant at first to be re-referred, however she agreed after the Project worker explained why they felt that Dawn should access Tier 3 CAMHS.  This was also on agreement that the Project worker supported her to attend her first appointment at CAMHS.

Dawn’s outcomes:

Dawn is now receiving the specialist support she requires through CAMHS and  the Eating Disorders Team and Dawn is doing well.  Dawn still has access to support from The Junction to support her to attend appointments.  She said that without this support she probably wouldn’t have wanted a referral to CAMHS and subsequently attended.